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What Do Ladakhi People Eat? What Do They Own? Beyond Momos: A Flavorful Guide to Ladakhi Cuisine When people think of Ladakhi food, momos and noodle soups often come to mind. However, the reality of Ladakhi cuisine is far richer and more diverse than these staples suggest. Highlights – Most people believe Ladakhi cuisine is limited to momos and noodles. – Ladakhi food is influenced by neighboring regions like Tibet and Kashmir. – Ladakhi cuisine emphasizes hot brews, soups, and breads. In the northernmost reaches of India lies Leh Ladakh, a destination on every road tripper’s bucket list. This remote, isolated region, though difficult to access, has served as a […]
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I’ve often heard people speak of how a journey to the Himalayas transformed their lives. But precisely where in the vast expanse of the Himalayas do they find this transformation? Let me share my own Himalayan experience, a journey that not only revealed my life’s purpose but also gifted me with a fresh perspective. Once, I toiled in a multinational corporation renowned for its employee-friendly ethos. Yet, I found myself at odds with the rigid demeanor of my superior. His habit of overlooking my efforts and appropriating my achievements in front of the directors became a constant source of discontent. A moment arrived in my life when I questioned the […]
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The Solitude of the Wilderness: A Young Soul’s Journey into Wilderness Survival At sixteen, I embrace the wilderness, finding solace in the solitude of nature’s embrace. Evenings are spent by the flickering fire, tanning animal skins and carving wood, each act a sacred ritual. In the remote serenity of the Isle of Skye, I have discovered my sanctuary. Here, I dwell alone in a tipi, shrouded in secrecy, hidden from the world. Some might find it unusual for one so young, but my spirit finds peace in solitude, and my heart is dedicated to preserving the wild spaces that nourish our souls. Raised by my mother, Ghillie, and my sister, […]
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Photo Credit – Scraps from the Loft Living Like the People of Ladakh: A Glimpse into Ladakhi Life and Culture   Can you live like the people of Ladakh? To truly experience the life and lifestyle of Ladakhis, one must delve deep into the narrow alleys and small paths where traditional houses and the daily rhythms of life reveal themselves. Leh’s marketplace is a sprawling area where tourists, locals, street vendors, and shopkeepers freely mingle. But it is in the tight-knit labyrinths that you find the essence of Ladakhi life. The houses, built from mud and stone, appear as blocks scattered irregularly across the hilly terrain. Narrow passageways between them […]
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The Top 10 Mountains to Climb in Asia The Majestic Peaks of Asia: The Top 10 Mountains to Climb Asia, the largest continent in the world, is home to breathtaking mountains such as the Himalayas and the Karakoram Range. These awe-inspiring peaks dominate the environment, captivating people of all ages with their beauty and complexity. Let’s embark on a virtual journey to explore the top 10 peaks in Asia. List of Top 10 Peaks in Asia 1. Mount Everest [8,848 meters (29,029 feet)]—Nepal/Tibet Mount Everest stands at a staggering height of 8,848 meters (29,029 feet), making it the highest mountain in the world. Straddling the border between Nepal and Tibet, […]
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Mountaineering Expedition to the Indian Himalayas The Himalayas, perennially cloaked in snow and home to some of the highest peaks in the world, stretch across much of the Indian subcontinent and into Tibetan territory. Indeed, Mount Everest, the tallest peak on Earth, finds its place within these majestic ranges. The untouched beauty of this land, its surreal mountains, stands as a testament to nature’s unyielding power and splendor. Setting foot in the Himalayas is to leave behind the cacophony of city life, to shed the burdens of tension, stress, and looming deadlines. For the first-time visitor, this journey is transformative, prompting reflections on materialistic choices and deepening one’s appreciation and […]
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What is life like in Paraguay? For me, the best thing about living in Paraguay is the sense of being truly off the grid. Or perhaps, it’s that the rest of the world is off your grid. Either way, being in Paraguay feels like being somewhere entirely different. It’s a place where you lose track of what year it is and stop worrying about what’s happening in the world. You’re cut off from the noise, the madness, the worries, and every day feels like you’re in another place. This is especially true for those living in the countryside. Life on the farm, the red earth, the rhythm of the seasons, […]
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What is it like to live in the remote parts of Scandinavia? Allow me to offer a glimpse from my life in Jämtland, a region renowned for its untamed wilderness in Sweden. Here, the word “remote” does not feel distant. My wife and I reside in a village of 700 souls. It’s not truly isolated—we have a supermarket, a train station, a gas station, and a school. Yet, once you step outside the village, you find yourself surrounded by vast forests stretching from horizon to horizon, dotted with incredibly blue lakes and small farmhouses scattered here and there. In Sweden, it’s not uncommon to come across a perfectly civilized home […]
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Reflecting on the Trail Experiences that Have Brought Valuable Life Lessons and Personal Growth Among the many trails I’ve walked, the trek to Everest Base Camp in Nepal stands out not only for its physical rigor but also for the profound life lessons it imparted. While this trail may not hold the global renown of summiting Everest itself, it remains a formidable challenge, teaching me the importance of perseverance, humility, and the power of incremental progress. The Lesson of Perseverance The path to Everest Base Camp is fraught with difficulties: thinning air, unpredictable weather, and the physical strain of continuous trekking at high altitudes. Each step tested my limits, teaching […]
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It’s the pits. Especially if you’re into the great outdoors. I can hit up the UK’s biggest national park in less than an hour, or take a detour to the coast. And then there’s the nearby wilderness, perfect for a stroll or snapping pics of my favorite short-eared owls (still no luck with that elusive wild haggis, but I ain’t giving up). Loads of castles to wander through. Bag a ‘Munro’ or two, soak in the view from the top. Head out on a coastal road trip, catch the sunset on Skye. No way anyone’s bribing me back to England, let alone London. Not much to say about nightlife. Been […]