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Suru Outdoor Festival 2024

Event Highlights

Dates: August 25 – September 7
Attendees: 1,000+ participants
Edition: 8th Annual Event
Countries Represented: 25+
Sports Categories: 8 outdoor disciplines
Boulder Problems Created: 500+
Downhill MTB Trails: 12
Highline Record: 200m+ (Indian Record)
Award: Winner of UIAA Rock Climbing Festival Award 2019

Origins of Suru Festival
The Genesis of Our Adventure

In the autumn of 2012, Team graviT embarked on a pioneering exploration of Suru Valley’s boulder fields, uncovering the immense potential for outdoor sports in Ladakh. Although initial visits with friends were brief, the idea for a larger event began to take shape. By 2016, after much deliberation on logistics, we launched the inaugural Suru Boulder Fest.

The response was overwhelmingly positive, with approximately 70 attendees from over 20 countries. Despite a financial loss, the festival’s success was a strong motivator for us to continue and improve each year. As the festival evolved, it began to attract a diverse range of outdoor enthusiasts and athletes, including downhill mountain bikers, kayakers, trail runners, slackliners, trad climbers, base jumpers, and boulderers.

This year, we aim to formalize the integration of these sports into a competitive format, enhancing the festival’s scope and appeal.

Our Commitment to the Local Community

suru initiative
We are dedicated to creating a positive impact on the local community through sustainable practices and meaningful engagement. Our goals include:

– Fostering cultural exchange by connecting local communities with visitors from around the world while preserving their unique traditions.
– Minimizing our environmental footprint to help maintain the region’s natural balance.
– Supporting local education on self-sustainability and environmental stewardship.
– Promoting outdoor and experiential learning to advance the outdoor sports industry in India.
– Protecting the natural rock formations from quarrying and construction.
– Encouraging Indian climbers to undertake challenging new ascents in the area.

If you’re interested in volunteering or have ideas on how to contribute to our community efforts, we welcome your involvement.

Community Kitchen: Cook and Connect

At SuruFest, our Community Kitchen isn’t just about satisfying hunger—it’s a hub for fostering connections through the joy of food. Our dedicated culinary team works tirelessly to meet the dietary needs of our attendees, but we also encourage participants to step up and share their own cooking talents, adding fresh flavors to our diverse menu.

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Whether it’s raining or shining, the kitchen remains a lively spot, buzzing with curious visitors and regulars alike, all mingling and contributing to the vibrant atmosphere. This season, we’re excited to welcome a variety of guest chefs who will bring new and exciting flavors to the table. Come hungry and ready to explore a world of culinary delights!

Work from Suru: Blend Work and Play

We’ve listened to your feedback and have set up a dedicated Wi-Fi area at the festival site, allowing you to balance work with the unique festival experience.

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At SuruFest, we’re passionate about creating a memorable experience for our guests, and that includes integrating work and play.

Students, IT professionals, and other workers have successfully enjoyed the festival while staying on top of their responsibilities. Now you can too—bring your work along and enjoy the best of both worlds!

Daily Schedule and Workshops

Daily Routine at SuruFest
7:00 AM: Start your day with a refreshing yoga session.
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM: Enjoy a hearty breakfast in the dining area.
Post-Breakfast: Climbers gear up and head to their chosen sectors.
1:00 PM: Lunch is served at the crags or back at the campsite.
Post-Lunch: Continue climbing or relax at the rocks until 6:00 PM.
7:30 PM: Dinner is followed by a movie screening, bonfire, and live acoustic music under the stars.

Activity Sessions
Bouldering: Morning and evening sessions.
Slackline/Highline: Post-breakfast session.
Mountain Biking: Post-breakfast session.
Kayaking: Post-breakfast session.
Flow Art: Pre-dinner session.
Yoga: Pre-breakfast session.
Longboarding: Various times.

Event Schedule & Workshops

Close-up, abstract view of geometric architecture.
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Close-up, angled view of a window on a white building.
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Close-up of the corner of a white, geometric building with both sharp points and round corners.
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August 26, 2024
Morning: Bouldering in the Paradise area.
Evening: Bouldering in Quantum.

August 27, 2024
Morning: Bouldering in Meadow.
Evening: Bouldering in Blackhole.

August 28, 2024
Evening: Bouldering in Paradise.
Workshop: Highline/Slackline by Team Slackistan.

August 29, 2024
Full Day: Climbing in Shambala (packed lunch).
Workshop: Mountain Biking.

August 30, 2024
Workshop: Roped climbing (Top rope for beginners + Trad climbing for semi-experienced climbers).
Evening: Live music by BFR.

September 1, 2024
Full Day: Climbing in Oasis (bouldering and top rope, packed lunch).
Workshop: Longboarding.

September 2, 2024
Climbing: Session in Quantum/Blackhole areas.
Evening Workshop: Filipino Boxing.

September 3, 2024
Full Day: Climbing in Beyul (packed lunch).

September 4, 2024
Exploration: New climbing area (packed lunch).

September 5, 2024
Exploration: New climbing area (packed lunch).

September 6, 2024
Climbing: Session in any area with ongoing projects.

September 7, 2024
Departure: Return to Leh.

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