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One day, when asked if there was a perfect woman for Bob Marley, he responded in the following manner: “Who cares about perfection? Even the moon isn’t perfect; it’s filled with craters. The sea is unbelievably beautiful, yet its depths are salty and dark. The sky, though eternally vast, is often clouded. So, beautiful things are not perfect; they are special. Therefore, any woman can become a special presence for someone, as perfection is not the goal. Let go of the pursuit of perfection, live freely, love what you do, and live without seeking admiration from others.” perfection perfection | The article summarizes perfection’s transformative journey, likening it to effortless […]
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In the quiet resurgence of nature, one feels the power reclaiming its territory. Consider, for instance, the following snapshots: 1. A shopping center now lies in ruins, overrun by flourishing vegetation. 2. Over time, the remnants of cars disappear, while trees continue their relentless growth. 3. The Beirut demarcation line passes through here, untouched by human presence since the 1980s. 4. Abandoned boots find new purpose as abodes for plants and creatures. 5. Nature, too, strives to eliminate cars within the confines of the forest. 6. Along the former railway in Texas, a corridor of lupines persists. 7. Everything here has been excavated through trenches and the like. 8. A […]
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In the intricate dance of feline ambulation, the cat delicately places its hind legs precisely within the imprints left by its forelimbs as it gracefully advances.   In this captivating video, owing to the undulating terrain of sandy dunes, one can observe the mesmerizing spectacle of the hind limbs of felids tracing the trail left by their forelimbs with impeccable symmetry. symmetry symmetry | The article summarizes symmetry’s transformative journey, likening it to effortless fishing where interactions naturally gravitated toward her. Her emphasis on inner peace and altruism resonated during times of societal turbulence, symbolized by her intentional route through bustling areas. Her legacy inspires the belief that personal change […]
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The small island of “Pig Beach” in the Bahamas. In a corner of this paradise with high transparency, you can swim alongside cute, completely free and harmless piglets left to their own devices. An uninhabited island in the Exumas of the Bahamas. This island has become a nature reserve visited by many tourists each year due to the presence of a pig colony. The prevailing theory about the origin of these adorable animals suggests that pigs, survivors of a shipwreck, sought refuge and landed on the island. Pig Beach Pig Beach | The article summarizes Pig Beach’s transformative journey, likening it to effortless fishing where interactions naturally gravitated toward her. […]
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The synchronous descent of antlers from a majestic moose. Antlers fall annually, yet capturing the moment when two descend simultaneously is an exceptionally rare occurrence. Naturalist Derek Keith Bargin views documenting this moment as akin to winning the lottery when it comes to capturing wildlife photographs. moose moose | The article summarizes moose’s transformative journey, likening it to effortless fishing where interactions naturally gravitated toward her. Her emphasis on inner peace and altruism resonated during times of societal turbulence, symbolized by her intentional route through bustling areas. Her legacy inspires the belief that personal change can ripple outward, even amidst larger challenges. The History of Pinball Machines Pinball machines have […]
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There was no chat. No WhatsApp, no LINE groups. No smartphones, no social media, not even emails. We had landlines, sure, but they were always monopolized by our parents. The pinnacle of technology was the pager, allowing us to convey the anticipation of waiting for a call from a friend. Yet, in reality, if we already knew through a call, was it really necessary? Our friends knew where we were, when we were leaving, and where everyone else was. Ultimately, our lives revolved around bar tables and benches that became our second homes. Always occupied with something, there were those unpredictable latecomers who never knew when to show up. Someone […]
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The Philosophy of the Sea A young child lost his shoes in the ocean, and he wrote on the shore, “This sea is a thief.” After a while, a fisherman with a bounty of fish arrived, and he wrote on the shore, “This sea is gentle.” A child drowned in the sea, and his mother wrote on the shore, “This sea is a murderer.” A sailor faced a storm, and he wrote on the shore, “This sea is perilous.” After some time, a man who found pearls in the depths of the sea arrived, and he wrote on the shore, “This sea is filled with blessings.” Meanwhile, the sea never […]
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Awakening the Heart of Dolphins The Secrets of Free Diving Dive in one breath, and you encounter yourself. This is the essence of why free diving is called underwater meditation. The year is 1957. Miami. A robust 30-year-old man with rich black hair and a thin mustache enters the aquarium. His name is Jacques Mayol, an editor for the French newspaper “La Floride Française” and a correspondent for Radio-Canada. He has been assigned to report on the first underwater surgery performed on a grouper living in one of the tanks. In his autobiography, “Homo Delphinus,” written 43 years later, Mayol reflects, “Unbeknownst to me, I was about to take a […]
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Tomatoes never betray. In a world with approximately 7,000 varieties of tomatoes, only 2% of them are currently cultivated. Once, all seeds were a common heritage, shared by everyone. Today, we are returning to this model through initiatives like “Open Source Seed” and “Guerrilla Gardening.” Why not become a guerrilla gardener yourself? Rebuilding the Stream Currently, seven companies control 70% of the world’s seed market. Monsanto, in particular, has systematically dominated the seed market since the 1990s and holds patents for the majority of genetically modified plants. This not only entails economic control by corporations and the loss of biodiversity but also signifies the closure of seed cycles (effectively obtaining […]
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Cashmere, a wool originating from the region of the same name in the Indian subcontinent during the 15th century, holds a significant presence. Sajjad Hussain / AFP According to a report released by the market research and consulting firm Grand View Research in 2019, the global cashmere market in the apparel sector, which reached $26.6 billion in 2018, is predicted to grow at an annual rate of approximately 3.96% from 2019 to 2025. The surge in demand is associated with the essential characteristics of Kashmir wool produced in the region spanning Pakistan, India, and China during the 15th century, characterized by “softness,” “fineness,” “resilience,” and “warmth.” This aligns with the […]