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Explore the Pacific Crest Trail with expert preparation insights and gear recommendations. Discover firsthand experiences and valuable tips to enrich your hiking adventure on this iconic trail. I would divide preparation into four domains: self (mental/physical), food, gear, and other essentials. Self (Mental+Physical): As others have noted, minimal walking prep is crucial to acquire trail legs in the initial weeks. We adjusted our packs repeatedly to find the optimum comfort and weight distribution. Practice walking 5-12 miles in Brooklyn wearing the pack. Mountain Education’s Winter Skills Course surprised me with the need for an ice axe, enhancing directional/navigation skills crucial amidst 500 snow-covered miles. Mountain Ned (instructor Ned Tibbits) even […]
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To finish that whole Pacific Crest Trail by walking through it, you gotta do ’bout 15 miles every day. At that speed, it’ll take ’bout 6 months. If you’re headin’ NOBO (northbound), brace yourself ’cause Washington’s got some wild weather waitin’ for ya. But most folks up their daily miles as they go along. I started with 10 miles a day and pitched camp by 3:00 pm. Towards the end, I was on the trail for 12-14 hours coverin’ over 30 miles – pretty much what most folks do. Some hikers do over 40 miles, some do less. Now, if you’re lookin’ to hike the whole PCT (2,650 miles) in […]
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In the grandeur of the Himalayas, where the world’s mightiest peaks stand guard, trekkers embark on journeys of awe and adventure. Among the myriad trails that wind through Bhutan, India, and Nepal, some beckon with a magnetic allure. #1: Everest Base Camp A timeless pilgrimage in the Himalayas. The majestic vistas of Everest, a well-trodden path, cozy tea houses, and a panorama of towering peaks accompany you on this classic 11-day trek. #2: Poon Hill and Annapurna Base Camp Two treks intertwined, offering separate or combined adventures. Like the Everest Base Camp trek, this route boasts splendid trails and charming tea house accommodations, a haven for those seeking a touch […]
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A tale of a Twitter user who rescued a newborn mouse A Twitter user from the Russian-speaking community living in Germany, with the nickname @virilvi, stumbled upon a half-alive newborn mouse on the road in early October. She initially thought it was a baby wild mouse, but when she saw it moving, she decided to invite this little one into her home. The universe has a sense of humor, doesn’t it? Because, as you can imagine, what was missing to make me completely happy was, indeed, a mouse! I thought the little one was already gone, but when I tried to move it, it wiggled its little paws, revealing it […]
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Reincarnation:What is the most terrifying theory known to humankind? This is a beautifully crafted, fear-inducing narrative that prompts deep reflection. It is, by far, the most unique interpretation of the cosmos and human existence that I have encountered. Egg: You met your demise on the way home. It was a fatal car accident. While nothing stood out as particularly noteworthy, its consequences were dire. You left behind a wife and two children. The passing was painless. Despite the paramedics’ best efforts, it was futile. Your body lay shattered, and believe me, you were in a better state than when alive. And so, our paths crossed. “What… what happened?” you inquired. […]
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In the bygone era when India was still a colony of the British Empire, Srinagar resounded with the names of British aristocrats seeking respite, and even today, among the Kashmiris, it is often referred to as the paradise within India. Even after India gained independence from Britain in 1947, until the 1980s, tourists from various countries frequented this summer retreat, earning it the title of “Switzerland of the East.” However, as the separatist movement in Kashmir intensified in the 1990s, accompanied by incursions from pro-independence factions from Pakistan, the security situation in Srinagar deteriorated. Consequently, the influx of foreign tourists naturally dwindled. This state of affairs persisted until the early […]
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Pets also have their final wishes. Veterinarians who euthanize elderly or sick animals are aware of this. Twitter user Jesse Dietrich asked a veterinarian, “What’s the hardest part of your job?” The vet replied, “The hardest part is seeing elderly or sick animals searching for their owners before being euthanized.” In fact, 90% of owners don’t want to be in the same room as their dying pets. People avoid being present when their pets pass away. However, they don’t realize that pets truly need them in their last moments. Staff at Hillcrest Animal Hospital in South Africa are urging all pet owners. Vets are urging owners to stay by their […]
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In the village of Puga on the Chantan Plateau, which rises above 4,000 meters, there lies a small village known as Puga Village. The oxygen in this village is about half that of the ground level. The vast plateau of Central Asia stretches endlessly, the sky is infinitely clear, and the village seems infinitely close to heaven. Here, amidst numerous sheep and goats, there exists a nomadic ethnic group tending to a large subspecies of cattle called yaks, with long fur and immense bodies, wandering the Chantan Plateau. They seek pasture for their livestock and move across the vast highlands with tents called gers, nomadically wandering with their herds. Once […]
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“Initially you’re overwhelmed. But gradually you realize it’s like a wave. Resist, and you’ll be knocked over. Dive into it, and you’ll swim out the other side.” “Everything will be all right in the end… if it’s not all right then it’s not yet the end.” In the film ‘The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,’ amidst the dust and bustle of Jaipur, India, there’s a scene that paints India as follows: “Initially, India overwhelms. But gradually, it feels like a vast wave. Resist it, and you’ll be quickly brought down. At such times, dive into it. Eventually, you’ll reach the other shore.” Also, in the movie ‘3 Idiots,’ the phrase “All […]
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“What could be the cruel truth of life that must be told? Bicycles are the ultimate evil.” The CEO of Euro Exim Bank Limited shocked economists with these words: “Bicycles are a scourge on a nation’s economy. People who ride bicycles don’t buy cars or take loans to buy bicycles. They don’t pay insurance. They don’t buy fuel, nor do they pay for maintenance or necessary repairs. They don’t use paid parking lots. They don’t cause major accidents. Multi-lane roads are unnecessary. They don’t gain weight. Furthermore, healthy individuals are a negative, not a benefit, to the economy. Healthy people don’t buy medicine. They don’t go to hospitals or doctors. […]